drawing Edgar Jansen

drawing Edgar Jansen


This website is primarily meant as a source of information. In the past I haven’t felt the need to set up something like this, as it can easily become a rather vain endeavour.

So why this change? Well, mainly because I myself no longer had an overview of everything I had done in the past 50 years; in particular with regards to the blockflute. And as my memory becomes less reliable each year, it seems to me like the right time to do this. In recent years, and especially after the death of my dear maestro and friend Frans Brüggen, I got more and more questions concerning when, with whom, how and why Amsterdam could become an important international centre of professional blockflute. And there is a lot to say about that indeed, as I was part of this for all these years. Of course this modest site is not comprehensive enough to answer all those questions as that would require a lot more research. But perhaps one can still find something in it. For the moment this site mainly concerns my personal blockflute history; later on I might be able to broaden it somewhat.

This site is a work in progress. More info will be added and adjusted. If you find something missing, send me a message on the contact page and I’ll see what I can do.

What can you find here?


My Curriculum Vitae


My upcoming (blockflute-related) activities.


For a start some pictures of me (and buddies) through the years.


Clips of me doing my thing, mostly with other partners in crime.

LP & CD 

The front and back covers of (almost) every recording I have been involved with. Note that most of them are dated before 1992. This is when I became a father and switched my focus from performing and travelling to my family and my teaching at the Conservatory of Amsterdam.


Other websites that are worth exploring.


YouTubes, clips, messages, of colleagues, artists, fanatics, weirdos, which might inspire you as much as they still inspire me.


I love discussion. As there are always plenty of things going on within the world of the blockflute, this page maybe might become a place where one can start or join blockflute related discussions. As a start you already can find here a specific subject-matter that I think is quite topical. I’d love to hear your take on it. And again, feel free to start a discussion of your own.


Send me whatever message directly. I will respond as soon as I can.

That's it for now. Enjoy and let know what you think!

design Jonah van Hauwe